Matias Peruyera

I’d call myself a graphic designer, but that would leave out many other skills in editing, writing, infographics, data visualization, typography, programming, illustration, and perhaps the main one: knowing how to identify the best resource for each situation. I absolutely love print, but I'm also fascinated with the possibilities of interactive media.

My resume (PDF). You can also send me an old-fashioned email.

Scholar stuff: my profile.

Interactive projects

Interactive projects are good opportunities to think not only about how people read, but also how they press buttons, scroll pages, interpret microcopy. Another dimension in design projects.

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"No blog do Dodô"

A friend invited me to help creating "No blog do Dodô", by publicist Evandro Barreto. I did layouts and front-end development in WordPress.

Evandro mencionou várias referências que inspirariam o conteúdo do blog, e também se tornaram referências visuais, como o Pasquim e a revista Senhor. Dessa maneira, resgatei um pouco do espírito da diagramação paste-up, usando várias fontes, colagens com imagens e bordas antigas. O Letraset encontra o CSS.

Evandro mentioned several references that would inspire him o  the blog's content, and also became my visual references, such as Pasquim and Senhor magazine. In this way, I rescued some of the spirit of paste-up layout, using various typefaces, collages with old images and borders. Letraset meets CSS. 

Previously, we defined what the contents would be. We decided to have a variety of content, from the very short "Tales from the Twitter era" to the "Umbrella" and "Stopping to think" sections, to longer texts that would be displayed in their entirety on the home page. At this stage, we focus more on information architecture and programming. It took several WordPress loops to give the air of variety we wanted by pulling posts by tags.

Like several of the stories told by Evandro on his blog, work meetings used to be in a bar. To speed up, we printed the layouts to be able to sketch on top, comment, mark, cross out. Afterwards, we toasted to another productive – and fun – meeting.

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