Matias Peruyera

I’d call myself a graphic designer, but that would leave out many other skills in editing, writing, infographics, data visualization, typography, programming, illustration, and perhaps the main one: knowing how to identify the best resource for each situation. I absolutely love print, but I'm also fascinated with the possibilities of interactive media.

My resume (PDF). You can also send me an old-fashioned email.

Scholar stuff: my profile.

Interactive projects

Interactive projects are good opportunities to think not only about how people read, but also how they press buttons, scroll pages, interpret microcopy. Another dimension in design projects.

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Online forklifts website: "Buy ou rent?"

Work for Empilhadeiras online – online Forklifts – website . I started by edited the text provided by the client. The goal was to compare advantages and disadvantages of buying and/or renting equipment. The editing was done considering visual resources such as icons and running texts. I complemented it with illustrations, and provided the finished product in HTML format adapted to be inserted in the CMS used on the site. Simple but efficient. 

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